On a recent service visit, we were obliged to check batteries in various enclosures and if necessary, replace them. Imagine our consternation on being confronted with this situation!! One wonders about the thought processes that occurred when the ceiling installation team made this decision. It may well bring into question, their ability to sit the right way around on a toilet!! Furthermore, we are indeed grateful, that they chose not to be airline pilots, brain surgeons etc………….
Sydney Australia
We have a client with many offices around the world, this one is in Australia, and we obviously could not undertake the installation. Call-outs could be challenging!
Here are a couple of PAC door controllers, using a less than conventional cable for the connections to the terminal blocks.
This is in fact speaker wire and unsurprisingly, there were “issues” with the site. We had sent them a useful manual, advising on all aspects of PAC installation, including choice of cable and orientation within the enclosure. Perhaps they did not read it!!
We offered the necessary long distance guidance and with a major rewire, all is now well.
This is an example of before and after Mikki Tiamo has been to a job.
This is what we, at Access-Ability like to leave our jobs like after we’ve finished.
Mikki doesn’t like, poorly designed server cabinets and racks, be they large or small.
Mikki doesn’t like, cabinets and racks with wires which look like spaghetti. Wiring all over the place.
Mikki doesn’t like, when she turns up for jobs and the server cabinet looks like it’s been put together in the dark by someone wearing mittens.
Mikki does like, spending 10-20 minutes re-arranging things.
Mikki does like, making cabinets look aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
and most of all…
Mikki does like, making cabinets and racks easier to work on. Whether that be for Mikki, another Access-Ability engineer, an engineer from another company, or even the customer themselves.
This is the latest before and after Mikki cabinet. She says it’s not perfect but it’s much better than when she first saw this cabinet.

Before Mikki

After Mikki